
An exploration by Chris Quigley and Raul Lansink into open source brands / brand participation / brand co-production . . . or whatever you want to call it. We 're not quite sure what to call "it", and one of the main objectives of this blog is to discover just exactly what "it" is.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Moving markets

We've just done a mini re-brand for our Opinion research company Delib. It's not a major move, as over the last 12 months we've been slowly repositioning ourselves away from the e-democracy market, as it was clear people (and importantly clients) didn't get what "e-democracy" was.

So as good listeners, we've done the do, and moved on to the heady lands of opinion research. It's nice to be positioned in a market where your main competition is the likes of MORI and YouGov.

All I can say is - watch out MORI-Gov, Delib are hot on your heals . . .