
An exploration by Chris Quigley and Raul Lansink into open source brands / brand participation / brand co-production . . . or whatever you want to call it. We 're not quite sure what to call "it", and one of the main objectives of this blog is to discover just exactly what "it" is.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let's keep crime down campaign

I too saw this interesting "Let's keep crime down" ad campaign on TV about how to reduce house crime over the x-mas period.

Suggest taking heed. Useful website too! Would have been good to see the ad more online too . . .

Sunday, December 06, 2009

The cat or dog debate!

The great cat or dog debate is a great debate amongst pet-lovers - a classic pet argument.

Does God exist?

One of the biggest and greatest classic arguments of all time - Does God exist? This is a good introduction to all the arguments of the question Does God exist?

Monty Python argument sketch

This is fricking hilarious - Monty Python argument sketch is a classic - and should definitely be checked out - though get ready for a serious laugh-a-thon!

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Informal logic definition

The definition of informal logic is pretty much "a looser version" of formal logic. Informal logic doesn't have to be sound from a logical structure perspective - but is more about persuasion - hence the reason it's used in debate and argument.
Informal logic the backbone to our aMap series - and what our argument mapping formula is based on.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Critical thinking worksheet

Critical thinking worksheets are pretty useful if you're a teacher. If found this critical thinking worksheet particularly interesting and useful as it's FREE and made by the nice people at aMap - the guys who specialise in argument mapping and debate and critical thinking. All round clever guys!

The cat or dog debate!

Cats are better than dogs apparently - well that's according to an blog written on the critical thinking website aMap. Anyway, best to check it out and see what you think for yourself - it's a kinda interesting debate that is raging on and on, so it's worth taking a look . . .

The cat or dog debate has been raging for a while across the internet and it's interesting to see how many arguments there are.

I personally think that dogs are better than cats - but then again I'm not a Youtube nut - like those kinds of people who endlessly post pointless videos of themselves and their cats on the site.