
An exploration by Chris Quigley and Raul Lansink into open source brands / brand participation / brand co-production . . . or whatever you want to call it. We 're not quite sure what to call "it", and one of the main objectives of this blog is to discover just exactly what "it" is.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tube Rank - interesting way to analyse YouTube videos

I've been working in the Viral advertising space for the last 10 years and so have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't.
Based on this thinking we've developed up *Viral Rank*, which is an easy to way to analyse how viral a video is (or not).
There's more information about how Viral Rank works on our blog - however, in short it's based around Conversation triggers and communities.  And of course, if you need some viral seeding then go to the Viral Ad Network!